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Poison Safety Tips for Home Daycares

A child safety lock on a cabinet with a toddler nearby.

Children are smaller and weigh less, which makes them vulnerable to poisoning. Learn about some simple changes you can make in your home daycare to make it poison-safe.

Household Poisons

In 2018, unintentional poisonings caused 3,477 deaths and more than 79,000 emergency department visits in Canada. Most poisonings are preventable.

Many of the items in our homes can be poisonous to children—household cleaners, medicines, cosmetics, garden products, and even houseplants. If these items are not kept out of reach, your child could swallow, inhale, or eat these toxic substances or get them on their skin.

Young children have the highest risk of poisoning because of their natural curiosity. Simply having something locked up may not be enough to keep them away from poisons. My own toddler figured out how to open a few types of safety locks that even I had a hard time opening. Do not underestimate those little hands!

Preventing Poisonings

  1. Store poisons locked up tight, out of sight and out of reach of children.

  2. Choose the least hazardous product available for the job.

  3. Keep poisons in their original containers.

  4. Use the lowest-risk form and the smallest amount of product needed.

  5. Never leave a poisonous product unattended, even for a moment.

  6. Purchase items that are in child-resistant containers.

Safety Locks

Not all safety locks are created equal. Some locks are more effective than others. When a poisonous substance needs to be stored in a cabinet, we recommend using a magnetic lock if possible. These locks are not visible on the outside and can only be opened with a strong magnet. This means even adults cannot access the cabinet unless they have the magnet.

Poison Safety Plan

In addition to securing dangerous substances, it's essential to have a poison safety plan in place for your home daycare. Here are the steps to create an effective plan:

  1. Educate Yourself and Your Staff: Ensure that everyone involved in your home daycare is aware of the dangers of poisoning and knows how to prevent it.

  2. Emergency Contact Numbers: Keep emergency contact numbers, including the poison control center, clearly visible and easily accessible.

  3. First Aid Training: Get trained in first aid, including how to respond to poisoning incidents. Ensure that your staff is also trained.

  4. Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections of your home daycare to ensure that all poisonous substances are securely stored and out of reach of children.

  5. Educate Children: Teach children about the dangers of certain substances in an age-appropriate way. Encourage them to tell an adult if they find something that looks dangerous.

  6. Communication with Parents: Inform parents about your poison safety measures and encourage them to implement similar practices at home.

By following these poison safety tips for home daycares, you can create a safer environment for the children in your care. Making these changes not only protects the children but also provides peace of mind for you and the parents.

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